Give Back

Whether it's through our financial giving or serving as a volunteer,
we give back to God because He has given everything to us!

Giving at Bloomingdale Church

Ways to Give

Thank you for supporting Bloomingdale Church's mission of helping people know Jesus Christ as Lord. Several secure and convenient methods have been created for you to give, including:

  1. Mail to the church office: 264 Glen Ellyn Rd, Bloomingdale IL 60108
  2. Place in secure offering box located in main lobby: M-F 9am-4pm, Sat 8-10am, Sun 8-11:30am

Please include your name and address on the check or envelope, so that a donor receipt may be provided. Checks must be payable to Bloomingdale Church. Please add additional notations in the memo line only.

*This is a great option because there are no transaction fees.

Mobile Giving

You can also text "GIVE" to (833)-892-6207

This option is optimized for your convenience; Bloomingdale Church incurs transaction fees for online giving approximately as stated: 1% ACH (bank transfer), 2% Debit, 3% Credit

Bank Scheduled Giving*

You can utilize your bank's "Bill Pay" feature to designate Bloomingdale Church as the payee and schedule a one-time or recurring transfer of funds. The bank sends the church a check by mail.


*This is a great option because there are no transaction fees and you can schedule it as recurring. 

Qualified Charitable Distribution

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a non-tax deductible direct transfer of funds from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) payable directly to a qualified charity, such as Bloomingdale Church, and can help satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year. If you would like to make a contribution from your IRA, please first contact to alert our Financial Secretary. Please add a cover letter or memo note on every check to alert our Stewardship Team of this specific giving type. Because a QCD is a non-tax deductible gift we prefer that you designate only to these funds: General Fund and/or Missions Fund.

Designating Funds

You can designate the fund you wish to give to in the check memo, on the envelope, or on a note attached to the gift. Gifts cannot be split using mobile giving and need to be given as separate gifts.

Bloomingdale Church

You can choose to designate specific funds to the ministry of Bloomingdale Church:

  1. General Fund**: Supports Bloomingdale Church's day-to-day operations and programs. Historically, General Fund offerings represent about 80% of all giving to pay for necessary church operating expenses including programs and ministries, staff compensation, infrastructure, and other critical operations.
  2. Benevolence Fund: Supports Bloomingdale Church's deacons ministry to help people in the church with qualified needs.
  3. Building Fund: Supports Bloomingdale Church's future building projects

**Undesignated funds are placed in the General Fund.

Community & City Partnerships
  1. Hope Center***: Supports community outreach programs like Recovery Groups, Administer Justice, CAP Financial Course, Life Coaching, and Grief Share.
  2. Family Empowerment Centers Chicago (BC Partner)***: Directly supporting our Chicago Alliance partners – Rogers Park neighborhood community center; Albany Park neighborhood homeless soup kitchen; Chicago Alive Camp

***When you give to this one fund it will be used to support all of the ministries in this fund.

Alliance Missions

Together we support workers and projects, locally and around the world. (Learn more about Alliance Missions.) Here are some of the financial ways you can engage in the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations:

  1. Give to the ministry of a worker you love:

When you specify the worker*** that you would like to give toward, 100% of those funds will be available for them to use for their ministry. Designate this on the giving envelope, check memo, or online giving category. If you split your donation among multiple international workers, we recommend giving instead to the "Missions Fund" which supports all of the BC designated international workers. Consider pledging to support the worker of your choice with a specific amount each month.

***Give directly to international workers specifically supported b Bloomingdale Church by clicking on their names below:

2 Give to missions in general:

If you give to the Missions Fund, your gift will be disbursed to all of the BC-designated Alliance Missions workers^, the Alliance's Great Commission Fund supporting hundreds of workers around the globe, and the Midwest District to help plant churches.

^Distributions vary based on worker designations:

"Sent by BC" – worked at/attended BC, sent as BC workers (highest %);

"BC Partner" – worked at/attended BC, but not sent by BC (lower %);

"CMA Partner" – affiliated with BC, but did not work at or attend BC (lowest %)

3 Give to the Passion Project

Every Easter season, our church has a unique and impactful giving tradition called the Passion Project. These special projects range from supporting local initiatives to projects our workers are carrying out around the world. Consider giving above and beyond your normal tithe or using this as an opportunity to begin giving sacrificially.

Can I designate my gift to be split between multiple funds?

Your gift can be separated between multiple funds. Please first consider:

  1. Selecting a fund that supports multiple ministries in the same category, such as "General," "Benevolence," "Missions Fund," "Hope Center," and "Family Empowerment Center (Chicago Ministries)."
  2. If you split your giving among multiple international workers, consider giving instead to the "Missions Fund" which supports all of the BC designated international workers.
  3. IF you split a check/cash into multiple funds, it is a more cumbersome process for our gift entry team to enter.


Why Give?

Together we have the opportunity to help people know Jesus Christ as Lord as a worshiping, praying, learning, caring, and outreaching community. We have the privilege of partnering with God’s work in our community and in the world by using our gifts and resources through our local church.

Are donations to Bloomingdale Church deductible for tax purposes?

Bloomingdale Church is classified as a public charity by the Internal Revenue Service and is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Any monetary donations that are given will be designated as tax-deductible, and the donor will receive an annual report in January.

The following are not deductible gifts:

-Payment made for a trip, event, or when other goods / services are received

-Donation made using IRA

What is the deadline for annual contributions? How will I receive an Annual Giving Statement?

Contributions must be received, postmarked, or transacted by December 31 to be included on your giving statement for that year.

All donors will receive an annual giving statement via email and church mailbox (and mailed directly if requested) in the month of January.

How do I login to my secure giving account?

Donors can also see how much they have given and to which funds at any time as follows:

  • Download the Connected Bloomingdale Church mobile app and login using your phone #. An OTP (One Time Password) will be sent securely to your phone.
  • Login to your Pushpay account using your phone #. An OTP (One Time Password) will be sent securely to your phone.

All of your information is encrypted and stored securely, regardless of how you choose to give. If your phone has been lost or stolen, we recommend taking these several steps to secure your device.

How does Bloomingdale Church uphold financial accountability?

Bloomingdale Church is committed to honoring God’s provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability to ensure the financial integrity of Bloomingdale Church remains above reproach. We accomplish this through a system of internal controls and an internal budgeting and reporting process.

Whom do I contact if I have additional questions about giving?

If you have any questions about giving, please do not hesitate to contact the church office at (630) 894-0090 or

What about the issue of debt?

We strongly discourage those who have credit card debt from tithing via a credit card.


At Bloomingdale Church, we seek to be

a Caring Community and an Outreaching Community.

Complete the form below to select the volunteer position(s)

that interests you.

Not Sure Where to Serve?

Check out the resources below!

Current Serving Needs at BC

Check-in Greeter
  • Time: Sunday, 8:30-9:45am
  • Time Commitment: Once a month
  • Responsibility: Greeting everyone as they arrive & making them feel welcome, checking in the kids to Sunday School, and mentoring the teens as they serve at the check-in desk too
Sunday School Teacher
  • Time: Sunday, 8:45-10am
  • Time Commitment: Two weeks on, two weeks off
  • Age Group: Preschool-kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade
  • Responsibility: Teaching a 40-minute lesson and activities (curriculum is provided). You'll prepare one lesson and teach preschool-kindergarten one week, then 1st-3rd grade the next.
  • Time: Sunday, 8:45-10:15am or 10:15-11:45am
  • Time Commitment: Once a month, or more if desired
  • Responsibility: Playing with babies and toddlers 0-2 years old. You'll read stories to them and serve them snacks.
Youth Mentor
  • Time: Friday, 7-9:30pm
  • Time Commitment: Once or twice a month
  • Responsibility: Bring your energy and serve as a godly mentor to build strong relationships with the teens.
Saturday Night Usher
  • Time: Saturday, 5:30-7:15pm
  • Time Commitment: Once or twice a month
  • Responsibility: Greeting everyone as they arrive & making them feel welcome, collecting the offering and connection cards in the service, handing out the weekly bulletins
Sunday Morning Usher
  • Time: Sunday, 8:30-10:15am OR 10-11:45am
  • Time Commitment: One month on, two months off
  • Responsibility: Greeting everyone as they arrive & making them feel welcome, collecting the offering and connection cards in the service, handing out the weekly bulletins
Video Team
  • Time: Sunday, 9-10am OR 10:30-11:30am
  • Time Commitment: Twice a month
  • Responsibility: The video team operates from the loft during the services. They are in charge of operating the cameras, utilizing the switcher to change between camera views, and recording the sermon each week. This position requires good focus and technical ability and a steady hand if operating the camera.
Screens Team
  • Time: Saturday, 4:45-7pm & Sunday, 7:45-11:30am
  • Time Commitment: Once a month
  • Responsibility: The Screens team is responsible for everything that is shown on the screen during services and is tasked with changing the slides for lyrics and sermon notes with good timing and attention. This position requires good focus and familiarity with the worship songs played during service.
Worship Band Musician
  • Time: Thursday, 7-9pm (Rehearsal), Saturday, 4:45-7pm & Sunday, 7:45-11:30am (Worship Services)
  • Time Commitment: Once a month
  • Responsibility: We are looking for lead vocalists as well as those who can play acoustic guitarist, bass, or keyboard. Musicians should have a heart to worship, be willing to learn new songs and any lead lines, and be able to follow chord charts. Vocalists must be able to harmonize as well as demonstrate an ability to lead the congregation through worship rather than perform. By audition only.

Life Coaching

Planning is a widely accepted value in our society. We make plans for finances, family, education, vacations, fitness, social connection, volunteering, retirement - the list goes on and on. But …

Have you ever given consideration to planning around the purpose of your life?

We’d like to help you put together a written design for the life you sense God has entrusted to you. It’s hard to get far on your own, but with the help of a guide and a coaching group, you can achieve this.

The outcome of the program is to help you gain clarity on your questions such as "Who am I?" and "What does God have in mind for me to be doing with the experiences and skills that He has given to me?" We're confident that the group format will be beneficial to you - learning and talking out important dynamics of our life together with the support of a coach guiding the process. Bill W explains, “I was at a transition period in my life and found this process – to review my personality, strengths, skills, gifts and passions – is helping me move into the next stage of my life. The group environment gave me invaluable feedback that I would not have found working alone.”

There is no cost to this program. Participants make a 6-week commitment to engage in the group and with following through on set goals.

264 Glen Ellyn Rd. Bloomingdale, IL 60108
