BC Kids

Kids make friends, have fun, and learn about faith in a safe and welcoming environment.

Children's Programming

Sundays, 9am & 10:30am

for kids ages 3 - 3rd grade

  1. Sunday School: 9-11am (full hour during 9am church service)
  2. Junior Church (1st-3rd grade) & Godly Play (PreK-Kindergarten): 11-11:30am (kids will be dismissed midway through our 10:30am church service)

Children will play fun games, be a part of small groups for prayer and friendships, and

hear a Bible story.

PAK (Pre-Adolescent Kids)

Sundays, 9-10:30am

for kids in 4th, 5th, & 6th grade

At Sunday Morning PAK, we meet outside or in our PAK Room to talk about issues we face daily as pre-teens. We look to the Bible as our guidebook. Please check in at the NextGen check in desk (located next to lower level elevator – use portico entrance).

Day Camp

Every Summer, Bloomingdale Church hosts a FREE community Day Camp

where kids (1st-6th grade) enjoy drama, skits, games, music, and more!

Noah's Ark Nursery

Available during our

Sunday 9am & 10:30am church services

Workers welcome children ages 0-3 to story time and free play with toys, music, crafts, books, a train table, and play gym. There is a room for infants and crawlers, and a room for toddlers.

Child Dedication

Child dedication is a public covenant of parents to raise their child in a Christ-honoring home and a reciprocal commitment of the church community to support this family. It is also a wonderful way for our church to meet your family, so we can be present in supporting one another.

NextGen Volunteers

NextGen Volunteers are safe people who have regularly attended Bloomingdale Church (at least 6 months), pass reference/background checks, complete an annual application, attend training, and received pastoral staff approval.

Interested in being a NextGen volunteer?

264 Glen Ellyn Rd. Bloomingdale, IL 60108
