
There's a place for you to get married at Bloomingdale Church

Bloomingdale Church does not charge fees to couples who want to get married

We want to help and encourage them in this joyful time in their lives and not add a burden to this once-in-a-lifetime joy. At Bloomingdale Church:
  • Premarital Counseling - Free

(alternatively, couples can take Alpha Pre-Marriage Class when available)

  • Officiating Pastor - Free
  • Use of Sanctuary - Free
  • Wedding Coordinator (when available) - Free


All couples who wish to get married at Bloomingdale Church are required to fulfill the following premarital requirements:
  1. Meet with one of our pastoral staff to discern whether Bloomingdale Church can host the wedding.
  2. Attend six church services together as a couple at Bloomingdale Church.
  3. Fully complete the following:

One-on-One Counseling: Meet with the pastoral staff or assigned mentor-couple six times. Between each session, watch the assigned videos from Focus on the Family's "Ready to Wed" curriculum and answer the corresponding questions distributed by the pastor or mentor-couple. Each session will review the conversations and questions that came up during the couple's work together.

An alternative when available is the Alpha Pre-Marriage Course: This five-session course is offered twice a year (Spring & Fall) when there are at least two couples getting married following the applicable season.

Each session includes a short video and discussion time as a couple. The couple will also meet at least twice with the pastor officiating the ceremony.


Do I have to be a member of Bloomingdale Church to get married there?

No. Church membership is not required.

When do I have to finish the requirements?

All of the premarital requirements must be completed at least two weeks

before the wedding.

What if I'm divorced?

The church performs weddings for divorced persons when there is

Scriptural basis to permit it.

What if I don't finish the requirements?

The pastors of the church will not perform the wedding if the couple

does not meet all of the qualifications listed above.

The Wedding Ceremony

Facility Use
  • The facility is to be reserved in advance. Please contact the church office (630) 894-0090 or The couple will be asked to make a commitment to premarital preparation to secure the reserved date.
  • Saturday weddings must be scheduled in the morning or early afternoon. All pictures in the sanctuary must be completed by 3:30pm
  • Sunday weddings may begin after 2pm
  • Friday or weekday weddings can normally be at any time
  • The church expects the wedding party to treat the facility with respect and care.
  • Inform florists, musicians, and photographers that the church office is open Monday-Friday 9am-4pm & Saturday 7-10am, if they would like to see the sanctuary or make deliveries.
  • A center runner (if used) should be at least 100 feet in length. Do not use real rose petals as they stain the carpet.
Music and Sound
  • The couple is responsible to make their own arrangements with the musicians of their choice. There is a piano and keyboard available in the sanctuary.
  • If over 100 are attending the ceremony, it is prudent to use microphones and engage a sound technician from the church. (Please plan for a $75 honorarium.)
  • A complete rehearsal on the day before the wedding and with all of the wedding party attending is required.
  • No children may be left unattended in any area of the church during the rehearsal or the wedding.
Wedding Day
  • On the wedding day, the church is unlocked and available for pictures up to one hour before the ceremony.
  • The wedding party should dress before they arrive at the church.
  • There is a closed area (south lobby) that serves as a waiting area for the bride's party before the ceremony. The men wait in the front of the sanctuary or in the north stairwell near their entry door to the sanctuary.
  • Please arrange for a host(ess) to greet guests and remove wedding items (candles, bows, rose petals, runner, etc.) after the wedding.
  • If the couple utilizes a wedding coordinator, he/she assures that musicians and ushers are in place and the wedding party is lined up and ready to enter on time.
Elements of the Ceremony

The elements of the wedding ceremony include the traditional wedding vows and a short personalized promise. The ceremony generally takes about 30 minutes. Other elements that the couple want to include will be considered. Below is the basic order of service:

  • Prelude
  • Processional
  • Welcome
  • Declarations of Consent
  • Scripture Reading
  • Pastoral Charge
  • The Vows
  • Personal Vows
  • Congregational Affirmation
  • Exchange of Rings
  • Unity Candle (or Alternative) and Song
  • Prayer
  • Pronouncement
  • The Kiss
  • The Presentation

264 Glen Ellyn Rd. Bloomingdale, IL 60108
